
Machine learning on HPC - IntroductionTraining

by Dr Iryna Okhrin (ScaDS.AI), Dr Peter Winkler (ScaDS.AI), Wenyu Zhang (TU Dresden)

TU Dresden, Willers-Bau Zellescher Weg 12-14 01069 Dresden

TU Dresden, Willers-Bau Zellescher Weg 12-14 01069 Dresden


Due to the heterogeneity of ML applications, the motivation to switch to an HPC system can be manifold, e.g. due to large memory requirements, GPU usage or increase of computation speed. The course presents how a typical ML workflow can be realized in the HPC environment. It is possible to switch to the HPC system at different points in the workflow - depending on the requirements. The development of ML applications is often done by collaborative work within groups, which is also taken into account in the implementation of the ML workflow.

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Trainings ScaDS.AI