Oct 7 – 8, 2024
OSTRA-Dome and OSTRA-Studios (Zur Messe 9a, 01067 Dresden)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Workshops and Demo Stations

Oct 8, 2024, 11:15 AM
1h 30m
Workshop Rooms 1-4, Lounge

Workshop Rooms 1-4, Lounge


WS 5: Bringing AI Education Into Schools – Scalable and Nationwide (Cooperation with "KI macht Schule") (Auguste Schulz, Tübingen AI Center)
WS 6: Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models (Prof. Simon Razniewski, Prof. Michael Färber, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig & Dr. Mehdi Ali, Lamarr Institute)
WS 7: AI Junior Research Groups (INTERNAL WORKSHOP, France-Audrey Magro, DLR)

Presentation materials

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